Real Estate Reports & Disclosures
Inspection Reports
Buyer can order whatever they want about the subject property for professional inspection reports and evaluation upfront to avoid future loss or repair cost
It’s highly recommend buyer to do all types of necessary reports but also balance between cost to spent and necessity.
Residential Report and Disclosures
Real Estate tools to help buyer research on many aspects
Seller disclosures
Disclosure about what seller know about the property particularly information like permit, addition or alteration, noise, environment, neighborhood, pet, death etc.
Government reports, handout and guide for safety and home purchase
NHDS (Natural Hazard Disclosure Report)
Reports nearby environmental issues or concerns, property tax or insurance claim info (CLUE)etc.
Home General Inspection Report
Basic opinion about foundation, structure, plumbing, electrical etc. interior and exterior conditions of the property
It will tell you what’s need to be repaired ASAP, what need delayed maintenance, what can potentially be a problem etc.
Termite Inspection Report
Inspect and evaluate damage of wood destroying pest include dry-wood and sub-terrain termite. It even includes fungus and wet area issues since that’s places easy to cause termite issue.
List section 1 and section 2 issues and treatment cost. Section 1 normally are big issues needs to be taken care of, section 2 are normally small issues which might be a problem. Treatment can be either using chemical gas like fumigation, inject chemical to the earth or replace physical woods or plumbing parts.
Will be a public report for everyone to assess
Normally no need for HOA managed properties.
Roof Report
Roof age and condition, also include cost of repair.
Normally no need for HOA managed properties.
Sometimes people might also need to order the following reports for further inspection:
Pool reports
Foundation reports
Chimney reports
Survey for land boundary
Arborist reports etc.
Commercial Report and Disclosures
For Commercial real estate transaction, except those regular report, there might be even more complicated disclosure requirements and buyer can order specifically.